The Value of Timeouts

I've noticed a huge change in my toddler's behavior recently since we or rather "I" implemented timeouts..around 18 months she started testing her will vs. our will and I had some hurdles to overcome but as soon as I started timeouts she has responded extremely well and no longer fusses when she is put in one.  I actually think she likes it.  I have read that children get overwhelmed if they do not have clear boundaries and often around age two they try to experiment with how far they can push things to get their way.  If mommy and daddy are consistent and firm, not mean they will learn that although there are consequences it is all out of love and to help them in the long run.  I have her go to a wall and put her hands on it while we count to 60 I have started extending it because she just turned two and the recommendation is 1 minute per year of age. 

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