When to switch to big girls panties

O.k. let me start this entry by saying do not do what I did and start training too early:)  Although I so appreciate all of you sweet people who said maybe she's ready and she's so smart give it a try if she's interested.  Fast forward 8 months later and it feels we've been cleaning up pee for years!!! Although that is an exaggeration she is only 2 1/2.  I am here to tell you the basics if your child expresses interest in their potty, can hold his/her pee or knows to give signals when ready to go #2 then he/she MAY be ready.  I again say MAY because although there are a few lucky souls who trained their kids in 3 days (I still say yeah right-with no accidents-I know your lying!!)  it has not been that way for us.  Now that we have entered the big girl panty stage we realized pull ups were a waste of money and time except at night, I wish I would have thought of a few things sooner so here goes:

1.Put a waterproof pad under the high chair or booster because most of our accidents have been while she was focused on eating or involved in creative play of some sort-i.e. painting, playdough, puzzles etc. she gets so focused she forgets.

2. Buy a portable potty for the car because with another baby it is not easy to pull over and take her into the convenience store

3. Do NOT make your child feel bad for accidents although my husband and I are human and we did loose our cool a few times after we knew she could hold it but failed to try, they are kids and this is a new concept just as any new skill it takes lots of times, positive praise and persistence.

4. Do NOT give super sugary treats they backfire, our best treats were fruit snacks -1 individual snack (NOT a whole PACK)per pee or pop.  They are healthy our goal is to transition when she has no accidents for a week to giving her the whole pack with lunch so this is a sign of being a big girl

5. BE PATIENT and talk to friends I know some people whose 4 yr. olds still have accidents it's progress NOT perfection

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