One of those days..

I tell you just when you get comfortable and in a routine everything changes again and throws you.  THe past few weeks have been better and my reactions and patience is reflective in alot of how my toddler reacts to me but sometimes you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed that was me today….maybe because my hubby sent my toddler into wake me up although a sweet gesture the baby was sleeping in our room so she also woke her up when she normally sleeps another 2 hours!  Thanks dad so I tried to put on the happy face, went to yoga and tried to reflect patience but now as I type the toddler is screaming after we put her down for her nap and it took all morning for the baby to be happy.  So as the saying goes that my mother loves so much…"it is what it is" I am not super human and have alot on my plate so when I get overwhelmed its o.k. to walk outside, ask hubby for help or cry which sometimes makes you feel so much better.

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