Focus on positivity

I have a new mission lately in my life for several weeks I have been doing a sort of life cleanse if you will.  I am reading the Happiness Project and I highly recommend it especially for mothers or anyone in need of refocusing on what truely matters and getting rid of the excess in our lives.  I started with a pile for donating, a pile for a garage sale, cleaning out the things we never use but hang on to in case it fits again or just because I feel I need it, quite the opposite is true less is more and when we let go of things weighing us down it allows for new energies to flow.  I have also started to do small things here and there when I can for my husband, last night it was stopping by Publix and getting him ice cream sandwiches just because he loves them.  I also am trying to stop nit picking and whining over small things.  He is a wonderful man and I am lucky to have him as a life partner.  I am encorporating fun everyday into my life and that of our daughters just for the joy of it, whether it is letting them get covered in fingerpaint from head to toe or getting an ice cream or just being silly it changes the mood in our house and keeps things lighter.  So far it has really changed me and although I still have my moments of flying off the handle my goal to be evermore present everyday is becoming a staple in my life.

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